4th Quarter 2020 Newsletter
Our Vision is Their Future
Hello to everyone in the Schools for Haiti family. Happy New Year to you all. We hope you had a great Christmas and New Year.
2020 was such a challenging year for all of us. In Haiti, we faced school closures due to COVID, travel restrictions, food shortages, increased food prices, devaluation of the dollar, gas shortages and many other trials which tested our faith, patience and perseverance. Through all of these trials we continued to march on faithfully, knowing our mission must continue. We thank you all for persevering with us and allowing us to provide Christ-centered education and daily nutrition to the children in Haiti.
November ninth was the start date of our 15th school year. Our students are so happy to be back in school. Their hearts are full with the Word of God and their bellies are full with a nutritious meal. We believe we are in a breakthrough moment where we can help create a sense of peace and normalcy after such a chaotic year.
One way we were able to bless our students was by giving each school a Christmas party the last day before Christmas break. This is a special day where each student dresses in their best Christmas outfit and we provide them with a nice meal, a cake, and bring in the projector to present ‘The Jesus Film.’ This is a great time for the students and staff to come together and break bread to celebrate the birth of our savior Jesus Christ.
Schools for Haiti would like to thank you all for the role you play in making each one of our students feel blessed and loved. Please consider what role God has for you this year and what investment you can make in the lives of the Haitian children. We need you to help us continue providing Christ-centered eduction to our students and expand to other children in Haiti who may not have access to education.
Student Testimony
Mark Alexandro
5th Grade – Hope School
Hello, I am Mark Alexandro and I am 13 year old. I am in the 5th grade and I go to Hope School. I have been in that school since I was in preschool. I have one brother and one sister. I live with my grandma because my mom and my dad got separated. My mother came to the point where she could not take care of us, she even thought about poisoning us so she could move on with her life. The situation was so bad that I had to leave to save my life and go live with my grandma.
Both my parents abandoned me and do not even care about my school. Good thing I am in Hope school that is supported by Schools For Haiti. I can get a good education and fulfill my dreams. I want to become a pilot when I finish school. Yeah, I know it is a big dream for a little Haitian, but I know there is nothing impossible for my God.
I want to thank every supporter for their kind acts toward the children of Haiti, without your help I could be one of those kids in the street begging and later manipulated by other people to carry guns.
God bless you all.
Mark Alexandro
Update from Managing Director, Milca Pierre
Often, when a new year arrives, we take a moment to create resolutions for ourselves in different areas of our lives. But 2021 is a different year because it follows a world-altering global event – one that we’re still feeling the effects of. And so to me, it seems a more productive task to continue digging in deep and pushing through. Recovery is near and all we need is that final push to make it through these trying times.
In Haiti we will push through with our vision to deliver a quality, Christ-centered education to our students. We’ve created opportunities for development by planning for new arts, music and computer courses at our schools and by recruiting skilled educators to teach them. We’ve gotten our principals to adjust their master schedules to accommodate the new curriculum additions. We’ve piloted the launch of our agricultural program for Grace School. It is time we jump start the recovery process. It is time we heal the setbacks and losses we’ve experienced in 2020. At the start of this new year, my plan is to push through for our students in Haiti. Will you help me?
Peace and Love,
Milca Pierre
Bright Hope for Haiti – Gala & Auction
Schools for Haiti invites you to an evening of fun and giving Friday, February 19, 2021 to support a brighter future for children in Haiti while enjoying an evening of fellowship and philanthropy. Now more than ever, Haiti needs hope and you can help make a difference. Please click the image below for more information on our event.
Please help us to continue educating and feeding our students. You’ve answered the call in the darkest of times and our students need your help now more than ever.
Please click the ‘Give Now’ button which will take you to our giving page. If you prefer to give by check you can mail in your donation to:
Schools for Haiti
C/O Gil Bailie
PO Box 273848
Tampa, FL 33688
Please know that you are all in our prayers. We pray that you will continue to see God at work in a mighty way during this time. God bless you and your families.
Blessings to all,
Schools for Haiti Team