4th Quarter 2022 Newsletter
God is Doing a New Thing
We are happy to share that after such a heartbreaking third quarter report, Haiti has seen progress in many areas. The protests in Haiti have calmed down and the Haiti National Police have taken back control of the fuel terminals. Commerce is picking back up and goods and services are becoming available again. We are still seeing shortages of food and fuel in our region because the gangs have blocked the major roads heading North out of Port au Prince. This makes it difficult to reach St. Marc and Montrouis.
In October, the self-appointed Prime Minister requested that the United Nations or any other country bring in military force to eliminate the gangs. To date, neither the United Nations nor any other country has agreed to do so. The US and Canada agreed that there is a need for intervention, but have not agreed to send in their troops. The good news is that we do not have any gangs or violence in our communities! We continue to be able to get the food we need to feed the students a hot nutritious lunch each school day.
Our most exciting announcement from the fourth quarter is we were able to safely open our schools in December. Although the Ministry of Education in Haiti did not officially start the school calendar, we decided our schools needed to be open. We opened for half days, three days per week leading up to the Christmas break. Our schools opened full time on January 9. The students and parents were happy to finally have schools open and we saw hope return to the faces of the children.
Isaiah 43:19 says, “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” We know God is moving and making a way for our ministry. We see him doing a new thing right now and refreshing us as we walk through the wilderness. The children of Haiti are blessed by the faithfulness of God and your faithfulness in helping us fulfill our mission. Please continue reading for some important updates on our accomplishments last quarter.
Schools for Haiti would like to thank everyone for your service and giving hearts towards our ministry in Haiti. Your support for our mission in Haiti is essential to help us reach those who are most in need. It is only through Christ-centered education that we will be able to prop up the next generation to create sustainable change for the future of Haiti. We are committed to training our students to think and act with a renewed mind and a biblical worldview.
If God has put it on your heart to give to our ministry, please check out the ways you can give at the end of the newsletter. We thank you for supporting our mission.
Schools for Haiti News
We would like to update you on several projects that our team is working on. Here are some highlights of what we have accomplished this last quarter of 2022.
- After 3 years of construction, we finally opened the doors to The Phillip Christian Academy and The Wisconsin High School. Please read more about these schools in our ‘School Spotlight’ section.
- Our annual teacher training is complete. Every year we train our teachers in the areas of classroom management, lesson planning, teaching methods, leadership and spiritual growth. Please see the picture above this text.
- We had our annual Christmas parties for each school and distributed over 25,000 pounds of food for our students to take home. Please check out the ‘School Christmas Parties’ section for pictures and more information.
- We distributed over 1,500 backpacks filled with books and supplies (see pictures below). We will distribute another 300-500 with our second book order in January.
- Our new curriculum with art, music, computers and citizenship training is being taught at all of our schools. Please see the pictures of the computer room at The Wisconsin School in our ‘School Spotlight’ section.
- The roof to the classroom for our trade school is now complete. Our goal is to open this school by Summer of 2023. Thank you to Chesapeake Christian Fellowship for donating the funds for the roof.
Thank you to everyone who donated towards this effort. Your giving allowed us to ensure every student had a backpack and school supplies.
Schools Christmas Parties
We had our annual Christmas parties on December 23rd. Students and parents were invited to their school to share a special meal with chicken, rice, beans, vegetables, cakes, drinks, and decorations along with the showing of ‘The Jesus Film’. We sent every student, teacher and staff member home with a food package containing enough food to feed a family of six one meal a day for two weeks over the Christmas break. The total amount of food distributed to all schools was over 25,000 pounds at a cost of over $23,000. We are blessed that God made a way with the current food shortages in Haiti.
December was the Grand Opening for our two newest schools; The Phillip Christian Academy and The Wisconsin High School. It has taken us over three years to fully complete this building project. The school is two stories with 13,000 square feet of space. The bottom floor houses The Phillip Christian Academy for grades Pre-K through 6th grade. There are 8 class rooms on this floor along with a Reception/Administrative Area and also a Principal’s Office. The top floor houses The Wisconsin High School with 7th through 11th grade. We will add 12th and 13th grades in the next two years. There are 8 classrooms on the top floor along with a library and computer room. The Wisconsin High School is funded by ‘The Wisconsin Group” led by Doug and Lois Fearing and Bill and Bev Mansfield.
Student Testimony
Rose Michel Louis
4th Grade – Phillip Christian Academy
My name is Rose Michel Louis. I am 14 years old. My mother died when I was 5 years old and now I live with my aunt. Ever since my mother passed away, my life has been miserable. My father abandoned me too. Sometimes I say to myself that I wish my mom was alive. I try to imagine how my life would it be if I had my mother.
I am so glad now that I am in The Phillip School. I am in 4th grade and I already made new friends. I love the school so much. The teachers are so kind and gentle to us. This is my first time in this new school and my first time that I am learning English. It has already become my favorite subject. I am also proud to be in the nicest school in the area!
I believe that there is hope for me despite the situation of my country. With the help and support of this school, I can become somebody important in my country. I dream to become a nurse so I can help the people of my village. I would like to thank Schools for Haiti for this beautiful school and I am going to work hard to have good grades.
God Bless you,
Rose Michel Louis
Save The Date
Schools For Haiti
14th Annual Dream Builders Gala – April 22, 2023
For more information about the gala please reach out to:
Matt Perry- matt@schoolsforhaiti.com or
Gil Bailie- gil@schoolsforhaiti.com
Schools for Haiti would like to thank you for the role you play in making each one our students feel blessed and loved. Please consider what role God has for you this year and what investment you can make in the lives of the Haitian children. We need YOU to help us continue providing a Christ-centered education to our students and expand our reach to other children in Haiti who may not have access to education.
Please click the ‘Give Now’ button which will take you to our giving page.
If you prefer to give by check, you can mail your donation to:
Schools for Haiti
C/O Gil Bailie
PO Box 273848
Tampa, FL 33688
Please know that you are all in our prayers. We pray that you will continue to see God at work in a mighty way during this time. God bless you and your families.
Blessings to all,
Schools for Haiti Team