4th Annual Schools for Haiti Gala & Auction (WI)
April 22, 2017 @ 5:00 pm
| $75A Night of Fun, Hope and Giving
Fearing’s Audio Video Security will be hosting the fourth annual Schools for Haiti Gala fundraiser with dinner, silent auction, and live music on April 22, 2017. Lea Culver of Culver Franchsing System, Inc will be emceeing this years event. Cocktails and silent auction will begin at 5:00pm, with dinner at 6:30pm and program following.
Schools for Haiti is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that provides safe and nurturing educational environments for the youth of Haiti offering them the opportunity to gain knowledge, skills, and values so they can flourish and grow. This will lay a foundation for change in their country. Haiti, a nation that ranks 177th out of 186 in the world for educational spending, has a literacy rate of only 52.9% and less than 30% of children will ever reach 6th grade.
The vision for Schools for Haiti is clear, “We will make a difference in their lives. They will make a difference in the future of Haiti.” As Schools for Haiti continues to grow they’ll be able to serve more Haitian children through their schools and orphanages. For the Vision to be achieved it will require your assistance. Join us April 22nd and make a difference in their lives.”
Event Details
April 22, 2017
Madison Marriott West
1313 John Q Hammons Dr, Middleton, WI 53562
$75 per Person | $140 per Couple
Evening Schedule
5:00 pm
Registration Open
Cocktail Reception & Silent Auction
Live Music
Welcome and Opening Comments
Emcee, Lea Culver
Culver Franchising Systems
Life of a Student Video
Hearts For Haiti
By Mail:
Please make checks payable to “Schools for Haiti”, a 501©3 corporation
Mail checks to:
Fearing’s Audio Video Security
722 Walsh Road
Madison, WI 53714
Or make reservations online at: www.fearings.com – and click on the “Schools For Haiti” logo.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1896979453865439/
Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/schools-for-haiti-4th-annual-fundraising-gala-tickets-31840753551
For More Information
For more information, please contact Lois Fearing at (608) 697-1793 or (608) 443-5891 or email lfearing@fearings.com